Rinse, repeat

I stripped off the clamps on the garboard horns, cleaned up the squeeze-out, cut the gains, and beveled the plank landings in preparation for hanging the second plank.  The results are encouraging.

There are no signs of unfairness in the garboard strake, and the stem landing looks solid and shapely.   Plenty of squeeze-out in appropriate places all along the keelson.  I trimmed the plank overhang at the transom and cut the gains (the gradual, sloping reveal in the plank where the next plank lands, and gradually transitions from a lapped plank to flush joints where the planks meet the stem).  I'm cutting 9 inch gains (pictured above).

Next, I tacked battens to the beveled landing edge of the garboard and one to the next landing marks on the frame stations, and hot-glued strips in triangular patterns to create the next pattern for the next pair of strakes.  I traced the pattern on paired sheets of the okume plywood and cut them out with the dozuki razor saw.

I positioned the  planks on the frame, and evaluated the fit (good), leaving the final fitting to tomorrow.   Glue-up of this and all subsequent planks requires a means of clamping the lap joints of the planks.  The references suggest several methods... self-tapping screws, drywall screws, staples, or clamps.  I chose the latter method, mostly to avoid filling the many holes that the screws make.  I made up 40 of the clamps (so I can hang two planks at a time), simply slotted 8 inch lengths of plywood, where the slot is just slightly larger than the thickness of two layers of the planking material.  They are used with wedges (I will buy some shimming wedges rather than make my own) to snug them up just right.

All ready for final fitting and glue-up.

About 5 hours.


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