Logbooks and Weather Logs

A typical couple of pages from our weather log.
Mathias isn't much a believer in whitespace
It will not have escaped the attention of even casual readers of these posts that they aren't exactly written in real time. I planned to blog the trip as I went along, but it quickly became evident that the essential elements of bandwidth, energy, and opportunity only rarely coincided. The best I could manage was to use Facebook for pictures and comments, and even that required usurous data charges while in Canada. Now, I'm working at recapturing the trip in greater richness.

The trip attracted a Facebook following of 60 or 70 people, and I greatly enjoyed posting notes and pictures of our progress. My ability to decorate the skeleton of the trip with the details of times, tides, and currents is largely due to notes in the log, and especially, the weather log, which we kept separately.

I say 'we', but Mathias deserves the credit for this. He established the format and content of our weather log, and that log brought focus to any changes taking place at the time, and are now an invaluable record for reconstructing our progress and experiences. I just used the weather log and volume 7 of the Canadian Tide and Current Tables for 2015 to explore a nagging sense that I'd gotten some details wrong in a post I wrote last night (Finally... the Cape!). There were, in fact, errors in that post (now corrected).


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