Checklists for daily cruising aboard s/v Ripple

s/v Ripple

Start of Day
Anchor light retrieved
Running lights (if appropriate)
Steaming Light (if appropriate)
Confirm bilge pump float switch
Confirm and log battery state
Set Instrument circuit to ON
Set battery switch to BOTH
Set Cabin and Accessory circuits
Monitor WX for weather reports

Engine Start
Choke in
Gearbox - neutral
½ to ¾ throttle
Warm up 5 min @ 1000 RPM
Confirm alternator charging (~14 volts)

Anchor Retrieval
Move toward buoy (if deployed)
With momentum, engine to neutral until buoy and line retrieved
Raise anchor rode, and flake for drying on deck

Engine Shutdown
Neutral Throttle
Disengage gearbox (pull out gear knob)
Pull out choke
Key off AFTER oil pressure buzzer sounds
When stopped, configure for immediate start: push in choke, set gearbox to neutral, set throttle to ½ to ¾

Hourly Weather Log (or for major state changes, transitions, landmarks):

Time | Barometer | Lat/long | Location | Sky | Force # | Sea State | SOG | Notes

End of Day Checklist
Confirm and log
Location & Position
TLog and Engine Hours
Battery State (~13 volts)
Oil and Fuel Levels (all tanks) :
Add fuel to main tank if less than 3 gallons 
2 gallons is unavailable
Set Battery switch to position (1) House Battery
Instrument circuit OFF
Cabin lights, Accessory circuits  ON
Stow tiller pilot and chartplotter
Confirm bilge pump operation (including float switch)
Confirm engine configuration for immediate start
Set Anchor Light

Docking Checklist
Reel in Dinghy to avert fouling of propeller
Set fenders and docking lines
Knot fore and aft lines to provide single point fore and aft control
Deckhand steps to dock at shrouds, snub boat momentum as necessary
Fix bow, stern, spring lines
Secure dinghy as appropriate

Anchoring Checklist
Wear gloves, beware of shackles, swivels
Reel in dinghy to avoid fouling propeller
Scout swing area
Confirm tide depth changes
Drop anchor, avoid piling up chain
Set Anchor, and back on it (1,500 RPM)
Deploy an anchor buoy if high fouling risk
     or extreme conditions are anticipated
Severe conditions:
plan a cut & run strategy
consider a storm anchor
set chartplotter anchor alarm
agree on watches

3, 4:1 in good holding
5:1 if windy, or only fair holding
7:1 for storm conditions
